New Testament Reading Commitment

Study Questions

Questions to Consider

Week 52: John 17-21
  1. John 17:1-19 – Who is Jesus praying for in the first half of this prayer? Why? What is Jesus’ primary concern for his disciples? How does Jesus describe eternal life? What does it mean that these disciples are to be in the world but not of the world?
  2. John 17:20-26 – Who is Jesus praying for in the second half of this prayer? Why? What does it mean for you that Jesus prayed this prayer? How does Jesus tie his teaching in John 15 to this prayer?
  3. John 18:1-11 – How does Simon Peter boldly come to the defense of Jesus? Why was he completely wrong in doing so? What does this say to you regarding how you might go about defending Jesus or defending the Christian faith?
  4. John 18:15-18; 25-27 – What do we learn about Peter in these denials? What do you think caused him to falter in this way? Can you recall a time when you might have faltered in a similar way? How do you feel about that now? What have you learned about yourself?
  5. John 19:1-16 – On the surface, Pilate was judging Jesus. In what ways was Pilate being judged? Would you say that Pilate was guilty or not guilty? How so? How were the chief priests being judged? Refer to Mark 12:17. Considering this teaching, how did the chief priests fail?
  6. John 19:28-30 – Jesus said, “It is finished.” What are the various elements that might be included in the “It” that was “finished?”
  7. John 20:1-10 – Who was the faster runner – Peter or John? Does Nike make sandals? What were Peter and John missing in their understanding of what the empty tomb and the abandoned linens meant? What did, what does, the resurrection mean?
  8. John 20:19-23 – Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me…” In what way had the Father sent Jesus? Then, in what way was Jesus sending his disciples? In what way is Jesus sending us?
  9. John 21:15-19 – How did Jesus literally and symbolically restore Peter?
  10. John 21:24-25 – How does John sign off his writing of this Gospel? How do we know “that his testimony is true?”
Week 51: John 11-16
  1. John 11:1-4; 38-44 – In v. 4, how can Jesus say that this illness does not lead to death since Lazarus died? If not to death, then where did this illness lead? How does this strange reality work in our lives today?
  2. John 11:17-27 – In vv. 24-26, the word “resurrection” appears twice. How is the meaning the same in both usages? How are the two usages different? Who’s correct, Martha or Jesus? Or are they both correct? How so?
  3. John 12:9-19 – Why did the crowd want to see Lazarus? Why did the crowd pay homage to Jesus? Why did the Jewish religious leaders want Lazarus dead? Why did the Jewish religious leaders want Jesus dead?
  4. John 12:27-28 – Twice Jesus refers to “this hour.” What is “this hour?” Why might Jesus think of being saved from “this hour?” Why did he not pursue being saved from “this hour?” How had God glorified his name? How will God glorify his name again?
  5. John 13:31-35 – What is the “new commandment” that Jesus establishes? In what way is this commandment new? How does it apply to the disciples being identified as the disciples of Jesus? How does it apply to your identity in Christ?
  6. John 14:1-7 – What does Jesus mean in his claim that he is “the way, and the truth, and the life?” What do these three elements of Christ’s identity mean to you?
  7. John 14:15-31 – How will the Holy Spirit work in the lives of the disciples following the ascension of Jesus? How does the Holy Spirit work in your life?
  8. John 15:1-17 – What does it mean to abide in Jesus Christ? What is the progression of fruit that is being borne as you follow the directive of Jesus to abide in him and to continue to abide in him? In what ways are you seeing evidence of this in your life?
  9. John 16:1-13 – Who is the Helper that Jesus refers to? What are the many ways in which the Helper helps? In what ways has the Helper helped you?
  10. John 16:25-33 – In these verses, Jesus describes a mixed-up world. How are the disciples to have peace? Where will they find tribulation? Who’s the overcomer? What has he overcome? How?
Week 50: John 6-10
  1. John 6:1-14 – In what ways is Jesus restrained by limited resources? Though ministry resources are important for accomplishing ministry, what’s more important? Why?
  2. John 6:25-40 – Instead of seeking “signs,” what should the people have been seeking? In what way did people misunderstand the provision of manna in the time of Moses? What does Jesus mean by saying that he is the bread of life? What is the will of the Father?
  3. John 7:25-31 – What were the various understandings and misunderstandings of who Jesus was during his time in Jerusalem? Why was there so much confusion? What are the various understandings and misunderstandings of who Jesus is today?
  4. John 7:37-39 – Let’s connect some dots: how does what Jesus says in these verses connect with his conversations with Nicodemus in Chapter 3 and with the Samaritan woman at the well in Chapter 4? What’s the connection with Isaiah 44:1-3?
  5. John 8:12-18 – In what ways did the Pharisees judge Jesus in the flesh? Did they think they knew where Jesus came from or where he was going? Why did Jesus say that they didn’t? Where did he come from, and where was he going? How is it that Jesus is the light of the world? How do we escape from walking in darkness?
  6. John 8:31-38 – What kind of enslavement was Jesus referring to? What kind of enslavement did the Jews have in mind? In what way was their view of having never been enslaved to anyone delusional, both in terms of the flesh and the spirit? How does the truth set us free?
  7. John 9:1-41 – This chapter is one continuous episode in the life of Jesus. How many times and ways did the Pharisees and the Jews attempt to discredit this healing? Why?
  8. John 9:1-41 (continued) – In verses 35-41, what is the irony between Jesus’ remarks that the blind man had “seen him” and that the Pharisees could “see,” therefore they were guilty? What did Jesus mean by these remarks?
  9. John 10:7-11 – How does Jesus identify himself in these verses? What does the good shepherd do for the sheep? How did Jesus fulfill that responsibility and calling?
  10. John 10:22-39 – Who does Jesus claim to be? How had he backed up that claim
Week 49: John 1-5
  1. John 1:1-5; 14-18 – What’s the relationship between John 1:1-3 and Genesis 1:1-2? What or who is the Word? What was the role of the Word in creation? When did the Word become flesh? Who does the Word make known? How?
  2. John 1:29-34 – What is the substance behind John the Baptist’s claim that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world? How has that reality become real in your life? What’s the distinction between John the Baptist’s baptism with water and Jesus’ baptism with the Holy Spirit?
  3. John 2:13-17 – Why did Jesus drive the merchants out of the temple? What was his command to the merchants? What parallels can you draw from v. 17 and Psalm 69:6-9?
  4. John 2:23-25 – These verses are mysterious if not cryptic. Why are they here; why do you think John included these verses in his Gospel account? What does it mean that Jesus knew what was in man? Why was, why is, that important?
  5. John 3:1-8 – This text is closely tied to the doctrine of regeneration, the act of being re-generated, re-born, a.k.a. born again. Is Jesus’ reference here to physical rebirth or spiritual rebirth? How does that happen, and what’s its connection to entering the kingdom of God? How does v. 8 shed light on the sovereignty of God?
  6. John 3:16-21 – Why did God send Jesus into the world? How does belief in Jesus separate the condemned from those who are not condemned? Who comes to the light?
  7. John 4:7-15 – During his encounter with the Samaritan woman, what cultural barriers did Jesus break through? What does that mean for us? What “water” is in view?
  8. John 4:16-26 – How does Jesus redefine the nature of true worship and true worshipers? What does it mean to worship in spirit, to worship in truth? What did the Samaritan woman know about a coming Messiah? Who was, who is, the Messiah?
  9. John 5:19-24 – What is the relationship between God the Father and God the Son? What responsibility has the Father given to the Son? How important is “honor?” Why?
  10. John 5:30-38 – Whom does Jesus call as his most powerful, most authoritative, and most reliable witness? In what ways does the Father render testimony on behalf of he Son? Does everyone believe in the Son, even with the Father’s testimony? Why not?
Week 48: Revelation 18-22
  1. Revelation 18:1-20 – What is the ultimate outcome for Babylon? What are the dual outcomes for kings and merchants as opposed to God’s people?
  2. Revelation 18:21-24 – In what ways is the final fall of Babylon described?
  3. Revelation 19:1-10 – In what ways do these verse reiterate and/or reinforce the vision of John depicted in Revelation 7:9-12? In reference to the marriage supper of the Lamb, who is the bridegroom and who is the bride?
  4. Revelation 19:11-16 – Who is sitting on the white horse? What does he do? How does v. 13 connect with the opening verses of the Gospel of John? How does v. 15 connect with Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12?
  5. Revelation 20:1-6 – Is the binding of Satan a permanent binding, or will Satan be released at some point? If he is released, for how long will he be released? What do you think is meant by the first resurrection and the second death?
  6. Revelation 20:7-15 – What does Satan do during his “brief” time of release? What’s the ultimate outcome? What, or who, is judged during the white throne judgment? What’s the significance of the book of life?
  7. Revelation 21:1-8 – What is to occur concerning all things being made new? What’s the connection between v. 6, “It is done?” and John 19:30, “It is finished?”
  8. Revelation 21:9-14 – How does the vision of John depict the final entrance of the Bride, the wife of the Lamb? Who is the bride? Consider Isaiah 61:10-11.
  9. Revelation 22:1-7 – In waiting for the coming of the Lord, what might we anticipate, i.e. what is his coming going to look like? As we wait, how do we position ourselves to be blessed?
  10. Revelation 22:16-21 – Why has Jesus’ angel come? Who says, “Come?” Who should come? When is Jesus coming? How soon is “soon?”
Week 47: Revelation 13-17
  1. Revelation 13:1-10 – John’s vision in Revelation depicts majestic worship of the Lamb from a multitude from every nation, from all tribes, peoples and languages (7:9ff). Now, in this passage, the vision depicts worship of the dragon and periodic authority given to the beast over very tribe and people and language and nation and all who dwell on earth. What does it mean that John’s vision depicts both of these scenes?
  2. Revelation 13:11-18 – These verses reveal a second beast in John’s vision who distinctly identifies its worshippers with a mark. What is the meaning and purpose of this mark? How might it relate to baptism, the sign and seal of God’s covenant with believers?
  3. Revelation 14:6-13 – Again we have the language of every nation and tribe and language and people. To whom does this refer in these verses? How do the messages of the second and third angels differ from each other?
  4. Revelation 14:14-20 – What is the distinction between the two harvests that are pictured in these verses? Who was/is seated on the cloud?
  5. Revelation 15:1-4 – How does the celebration of victory depicted in these verses connect with Exodus 15:1-21?
  6. Revelation 15:5-8 – What do you think God means in showing the Apostle John a vision of a vibrant, celebratory worship service that is imbedded with plagues and bowls of wrath? What do you think is being celebrated?
  7. Revelation 16:5-7 – In what ways are these bowls of wrath that are being poured out revealing that God is just in his judgments? Why are those succumbing to God’s wrath deserving of such punishment?
  8. Revelation 16:14-15 – What is the great day of the Lord? Who’s coming like a thief?
  9. Revelation 17:5Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations represents temptation that overpowers. What temptations are dangerous for you?
  10. Revelation 17:8The beast represents the strength of Satan that overpowers the weak. In what ways have you felt that power come against you?Bonus: Consider the Armor of God (Ephesians 6) for protection against the Beast & the Harlot.
Week 46: Revelation 8-12
  1. Revelation 8:1-5 – As a hush falls over heaven, there is a sense of a final scene, a grand finale that is about to begin. Seven angels with seven trumpets take their places before God. What is your sense of what’s happening with the smoke of the incense and the prayers of the saints rising before God from the angel’s hand? Note Rev. 5:8-10.
  2. Revelation 8:6-13 – How does the sounding of the first four trumpets compare to the opening of the first four seals (Rev. 6:1-18)?
  3. Revelation 9:1-11 – More judgment is seen with the sounding of the fifth trumpet, reminiscent of the plagues that befell Egypt in the days of Moses. Note the connection to Joel 2:1-11. Who appears to be leading this horrific charge (see v. 11)? What looms ahead (v. 12)?
  4. Revelation 9:13-21 – What was the result of these three plagues? Did these catastrophic occurrences lead to repentance? Again, who appears to be in charge?
  5. Revelation 10:1-7 – Mystery upon mystery, the Book of Revelation looks to the future and veils that future in apocalyptic language that is very challenging to discern. Note that we haven’t heard the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel yet. Is the message in the seven thunders the same message to come with the seventh trumpet sounding? Does John know what that message is? Is he free, yet, to share that message?
  6. Revelation 10:8-11 – What must John prophesy about? How does that connect with Revelation 7:9-10?
  7. Revelation 11:1-14 – In what way do the two witnesses, the two prophets, prevail in the end of their ministry in Chapter 11? What was the second woe?
  8. Revelation 11:15-19 – What final outcome is seen with the sounding of the seventh trumpet? Who becomes the ruler that will rule forever and ever?
  9. Revelation 12:1-6 – Who does the woman represent? Her child? The dragon? Who does the dragon want to devour?
  10. Revelation 12:7-17 – Who are the combatants in this cosmic battle? What is the outcome for the people of God? For the woman? Whose power and authority have come?
Week 45: Revelation 4-7
  1. Revelation 4:1 – The Apostle John is being blessed with a vision. How is this happening? What is his vision of? Who is speaking to him? What is he about to be shown?
  2. Revelation 4:2-7 – Who is seated on the throne? Compare the description here with Daniel 7:9-10. What is being pictured in these two scenes? Could they be the same scene? How so?
  3. Revelation 4:8-11 – What are these verses describing? What elements of this celestial worship service should be included in our earthly worship services? Which of these elements are included in your church’s worship services?
  4. Revelation 5:1-5 – Who is holding the scroll with the seven seals? Who, and only who, is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals? Who is the lion of the tribe of Judah?
  5. Revelation 5:6-8 – What is the relationship between the slain Lamb in v. 6 and the Lion of Judah in v. 5? Can one person be both? How so? If bowls of incense are the prayers of the saints, what does that reveal to us about prayer?
  6. Revelation 5:11-14 – How do these verses connect with Philippians 2:5-11? What seems to be the ongoing role of elders in the throne room of God?
  7. Revelation 6:1-8 – These verses reveal the opening of the first four seals. Each corresponds to a horse of varying colors: white, red, black, and pale. What transpires with the appearance of each horse? What is revealed regarding God as Judge?
  8. Revelation 6:9-16 – What does John see with the opening of the 5th seal? What is sad and yet hopeful with what we learn in v. 11? What accompanies the opening of the 6th seal? Compare vv. 12-14 with Matthew 24:29-31. What is Scripture telling us – twice? What’s happening among all strata of mankind in vv. 15-17?
  9. Revelation 7:9-12 – What does the vision of the Apostle John reveal in this ultimate heavenly worship service? What joy and promise are ours who commit to Jesus Christ?
  10. Revelation 7:13-17 – Who is clothed in white? If these robes needed to be washed in the blood of Jesus to become white, with what were they soiled? Now “clean,” how are these souls rewarded; how do they live their eternal lives? What does God provide for them?
Week 44: 2 & 3 John; Revelation 1-3
  1. 2 John 1-7 – What is the commandment that we have had from the beginning? Why does John rejoice? How should we walk, i.e. how should we live?
  2. 2 John 8-13 – What’s at stake; what do we have to lose? How would we lose it? How can we “watch ourselves” so that we don’t lose what we have? In what must we abide to have both the Father and the Son?
  3. 3 John 5-8 – Whom should we support? Why? How? In what way does this make us fellow workers?
  4. 3 John 9-11 – How does John contrast Diotrephes and Demetrius? Which, does it seem, has seen God, and which has not? How is a good testimony earned? To what benefit?
  5. Revelation 1:4-8 – To whom is John writing? What three phrases does John use to describe Jesus Christ? How has Jesus shown his love for us and freed us? Who will witness the return of Jesus? What is the meaning of “I am the Alpha and the Omega?”
  6. Revelation 1:9-20 – Where was John when he heard the voice of the Lord? What was he instructed to do? How does he describe the appearance of Jesus? What did the seven stars and seven lampstands symbolize?
  7. Revelation 2:1-4; 8-10 – For what is the church in Ephesus commended? For what is the church in Ephesus reprimanded? What test is coming to the church in Smyrna? What will be its reward for faithfulness?
  8. Revelation 2:12-17 – For what is the church in Pergamum commended? For what is the church in Pergamum reprimanded? For what is the church in Thyatira commended? For what is the church in Thyatira reprimanded?
  9. Revelation 3:1-6, 7-13 – What is the admonishment and exhortation for the church in Sardis? What will happen if they do not “wake up?” What will happen if they repent? In what ways has the church in Philadelphia remained faithful? What will be its reward?
  10. Revelation 3:14-22 – How are the works of the church in Laodicea described? What is God’s response to these works? Is there any hope for the church in Laodicea? How so? What is John stressing with his repeated use of the phrase, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches?”
Week 43: 1 John 1-5
  1. 1 John 1:1-4 – Why is John writing “these things?” Why does John proclaim, “that which we have seen and heard?” What are these things and what has John seen and heard?
  2. 1 John 1:5-10 – What is the distinction between darkness and light? What is the benefit of walking in the light? What does the blood of Jesus do for us? Who do we deceive by claiming that we are without sin? What is the benefit of our confession of our sin?
  3. 1 John 2:1-6 – In what way does Jesus act as our defense attorney? More than an advocate, he is the propitiation for our sins – meaning what? How do we know if we have truly come to know him?
  4. I John 2:7-17 – What does it indicate if we love the world or the things in the world? What is the origin of such love? Why is such love pointless? What abides forever?
  5. 1 John 3:1-3 – Whose children are we? By what means do we become God’s children? Why doesn’t the world know us? What are the implications or ramifications of the world not knowing us? Are we God’s children now or is becoming God’s children simply a promise for the future? When will we see him as he is?
  6. I John 3:11-18 – Why should we not be surprised that the world hates us? Who does not have eternal life? How do we know what love is? How should we love?
  7. 1 John 4:1-6 – What is the process of testing the spirits? Who is greater, he who is in us, or he who is in the world? In each case, to whom is John referring? How do we distinguish between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error? Why is that important?
  8. 1 John 4:13-21 – What are the various ways that John tells us that we know that God abides in us? What is the connection between God’s abiding in us and our being perfected? How does this tie in with our confidence for the day of judgment?
  9. I John 5:1-5 – Who has been born of God? How do we know that we love the children of God? What is the evidence of our love of God? How do we overcome the world?
  10. 1 John 5:13-15 – Again, why does John write these things? To whom is he writing? How does John explain the link between confidence and answers to prayer? On what condition does that confidence depend? What guides us in asking according to his will?
Week 42: Luke 21-24; Jude
  1. Luke 21:10-19 – Was Jesus describing what would happen in the lives of his first followers, in the lives of his future followers, or in the lives of those of us who follow him today? What provides the opportunity to bear witness? What will faithfulness gain?
  2. Luke 21:34-38 – What warning does Jesus give in these verses? What instruction does he give regarding escape? Is escaping a physical matter or a spiritual matter? How so?
  3. Luke 22:14-20 – Why was Passover celebrated annually; what was being commemorated? What did/does the bread signify? What did/does the cup signify? What replaced Passover as a mighty act of God to be commemorated?
  4. Luke 22:24-30 – What obvious point were the disciples missing as they disputed among themselves as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest? How does Jesus correct their misperception? How does Jesus redefine greatness and leadership?
  5. Luke 23:32-43 – The soldiers who carried out Jesus’ sentence of execution and one of the criminals being executed beside him taunted Jesus to save himself, but who was Jesus dying to save? Why did he sacrifice himself; why was his sacrifice necessary?
  6. Luke 23:44-49 – Throughout the entire ordeal of the crucifixion, who was in control of Jesus’ life and death? What conviction came upon the centurion at the cross? Why?
  7. Luke 24:1-12 – In what ways are vv. 6-7 a summary of the mission of Jesus Christ? What do these verses include? How did Jesus surprise the apostles? What do you think sometimes (frequently?) causes us to miss what Jesus is doing? How do we fix that?
  8. Luke 24:13-27 – What’s ironic about one of these men asking incredulously, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” Who is the only one who fully knows what happened and why? (Author’s Note: Ref – v. 27: I’d like a transcript of all that Jesus said in this interpretation!)
  9. Jude 17-23 – What is Jude’s warning? What will these scoffers cause? How are the followers of Jesus to maintain a strong faith? What does that say for us?
  10. Jude 24-25 – What is Jude’s promise? How is it that we can be presented blameless before God? What unique attributes of God does Jude acknowledge and celebrate?
Week 41: Luke 16-20
  1. Luke 16:14-18 – These verses present numerous challenges in interpretation, but, that said, let’s dive in. How did the Pharisees use the law of God to justify themselves before men? Why was/is that an abomination in the sight of God?
  2. Luke 16:14-18 cont’d – How is it that the Law and Prophets gave way to the good news of the kingdom of God, yet not one dot of the Law had become void? How did people, especially Pharisees, try to force their way into the kingdom of God? Could that work?
  3. Luke 17:5-6 – When the disciples petitioned the Lord to increase their faith, he implied that faith can be very, very small and yet be extremely productive. Why does he say this? What is it about faith that makes it so powerful even when being small?
  4. Luke 17:20-25 – What will not accompany the coming of the kingdom of God? What will accompany the ultimate coming of the kingdom of God? What must happen first?
  5. Luke 18:9-14 – What are the two contrasting models of prayer that Jesus offered in this parable? Which one “went home justified?” Why not the other? What is the godly relationship between humility and exaltation?
  6. Luke 18:31-34 – In what way was this saying of Jesus hidden from the disciples? Why did they not grasp what was said?
  7. Luke 19:28-40 – How should we respond when the Lord has need of something that we’re able to give? How will we know? Why did the Pharisees want Jesus to rebuke his disciples? What does Jesus mean by his cryptic reply?
  8. Luke 19:41-44 – What caused Jesus to weep over Jerusalem? What does he go on to describe? What does he mean by “the time of your visitation?”
  9. Luke 20:1-8 – How did Jesus trap the Jewish religious leaders with his counter-question? What was the flaw in how these leaders responded? Why didn’t Jesus answer their question? Seen another way, what was the learning opportunity Jesus offered them with his response?
  10. Luke 20:19-26 – What was it about Jesus’ response to the question posed by the Jewish religious leaders that caused them to marvel? What do you think Jesus meant by his response? What belongs to Caesar? What belongs to God?
Week 40: Luke 11-15
  1. Luke 11:1-13 – What is the connection between the Lord’s Prayer (vv. 1-4) and the teaching of Jesus regarding “ask, seek, and knock (vv. 5-13)?” In what ways is this connection played out in your life?
  2. Luke 11:29-32 – What is the sign of Jonah? How will that sign be seen in the earthly life of Jesus? Who is the queen of the South, and what did she model for us? How is the power of repentance displayed? What, or who, is greater than the queen and Jonah?
  3. Luke 12:1-3 – How does Jesus use the analogy of leaven? What is the leaven of the Pharisees? How is it destructive? What does “leaven” within the church look like today? How is it destructive?
  4. Luke 12:8-12 – In what ways can we acknowledge Jesus before people today? How have you acknowledged Jesus with others? What’s the benefit in doing so? What does Jesus promise if we openly acknowledge him?
  5. Luke 13:6-9 – What fruit should a fig tree produce? What happens to a fig tree if it doesn’t? What fruit should a Christian produce? What does this parable say about second chances?
  6. Luke 13:22-30 – In what ways is Jesus’ teaching regarding the “narrow door” an encouragement? In what ways is it a warning? In what ways do we have the opportunity and responsibility to “strive to enter the narrow door?”
  7. Luke 14:17-24 – What are the excuses invited guests gave for not coming to the banquet when it was ready? How did the master respond? It seems that there was plenty of room for the originally uninvited. What does this teach about the kingdom of God? What does this teach about us?
  8. Luke 14:25-33 – What is the cost of being a disciple of Christ (vv. 25-27)? Are we, are you, willing and able to pay that cost (vv. 28-30)? With what king must we find peace?
  9. Luke 15:1-10 – What is the central theme repeated in these two parables? What generates joy in heaven?
  10. Luke 15: 11-24 – What/Who was lost in this parable? What prompted him to return home? How was he received by this father? What does this say about God? About us?
Week 39: Luke 6-10
  1. Luke 6:20-26 – Compare the blessings listed in vv. 20-23 (The Beatitudes) with the woes listed in vv. 24-26. What do you think is the primary teaching that Jesus is delivering in these combined verses? How do these verses speak to you?
  2. Luke 6:46-49 – What does the “rock” represent in this teaching of Jesus? What is the “foundation” that Jesus envisions? How are you laying such a foundation in your life?
  3. Luke 7:18-23 – How does Jesus offer proof of his identity? The phrase, “Go and tell John what you have seen and what you have heard,” invites these disciples of John to share their eyewitness testimony? What have you seen in Jesus? What have you heard?
  4. Luke 7:41-49 – In what way does this passage picture repentance? In what way does this passage picture self-righteousness? How has this woman’s faith “saved her?” Is it simply the strength of her faith, or is there something else?
  5. Luke 8:4-8 – The “seed” of God’s word has been sowed in you. Have you been more path, rock, thorns, or good soil? How so? In what ways are we called to sow seeds?
  6. Luke 8:19-21 – What do these few verses reveal about the distinction between our biological families and the family of God? How is our spiritual family described? Where must our ultimate loyalty be invested? Why?
  7. Luke 9:1-6 – What is the source of the disciples’ power and authority? What were they sent to do? What was to provide what they needed physically and materially? From whom were they to walk away? Why? What was the result of their ministry?
  8. Luke 9:28-36 – Who appeared with Jesus on the mountain? What was their discussion about? What was Jesus going to accomplish in Jerusalem? What message did God have for the disciples who witnessed this? What message does God have for you?
  9. Luke 10:25-37 – What motivated this lawyer to quiz Jesus? How did he endeavor to justify himself? What was so “good” about the Good Samaritan? Jesus never answered the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Rather, he asked a question, “Which of these proved to be a neighbor to the man?” What are we to understand from this teaching?
  10. Luke 10:38-42 – When does ministry interfere with true spiritual growth? Why was Mary’s choice the “good portion?” How should we balance doing with being?
Week 38: Luke 1-5
  1. Luke 1:1-4 – Why did Luke compile this narrative that we know as the Gospel of Luke? How does Luke describe this narrative? Who were his sources?
  2. Luke 1:26-33 – How did God deliver the message about the coming birth of Jesus to Mary? How was Jesus described to her in this message? How was his kingdom and his reign described?
  3. Luke 2:1-7 – Why did Joseph take Mary and travel to Bethlehem to be registered? How does Luke’s information about Bethlehem being the city of David connect with Gabriel’s message to Mary? Why is that significant?
  4. Luke 2:41-49 – In what ways did Jesus stand out from other twelve-year-old Jewish boys? What was different about him that was already visible at the age of twelve? Who was the father of Jesus? Who was the Father of Jesus?
  5. Luke 3:1-6 – Among all those listed in the first few verses of Chapter 3, to whom did the word of God come? How does that speak to you? Considering the quote from Isaiah, who was John the Baptist? What was the nature of John the Baptist’s baptism?
  6. Luke 3:15-22 – In what ways is Jesus identified or described in these verses? How did John the Baptist fulfill his calling as, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”
  7. Luke 4:1-12 – In what ways did the devil tempt Jesus? How did Jesus defend himself? Can you think of a later time when the devil must have thought it was an “opportune time” to attack Jesus?
  8. Luke 4:42-44 – What did Jesus see as the reason that he was sent into space and time by God the Father – the Incarnation? In what ways should our purpose be his purpose?
  9. Luke 5:1-11 – In this passage, Jesus calls Simon Peter and Andrew (see Mt. 4:18), James and John to be his disciples. What was Peter’s reaction to the miraculous catch of fish? Why? What did Jesus mean in telling them that they would be “catching men?”
  10. Luke 5:27-32 – How did Jesus defy social and religious mores? How did Jesus describe why he had come? Who are the righteous that have no need of repentance? Who are the sinners that do need repentance?
Week 37: James 1-5
  1. James 1:2-8 – What is the value of being tested by the Lord, what does that produce? What do we gain by being tested? Verse 5 suggests that we might fail a test. What does failure reveal, and what should we do about it? How have you been tested? How so?
  2. James 1:22-25 – What simple truth is James pressing into with these few verses? What happens when we merely hear the word but fail to act on that word? How is action fed by hearing the word? Is there some “word” that you have heard recently but have not yet acted upon?
  3. James 2:1-7 – What is the danger in showing partiality? Why is it so easy to fall into the trap of showing partiality? The world seems to favor the rich and famous. How does such favoritism hurt us spiritually?
  4. James 2:14-17 – This often-quoted phrase is well known – faith without works is dead. What does that really mean? In what ways is faith without works dead? How, then, is faith with works alive? In what ways is your faith alive in your works?
  5. James 3:1-12 – What are the many ways that James describes the tongue with analogy or metaphor? What’s his point? Is he correct in his perspective? How so? In what ways have you seen the tongue do this kind of damage in real life?
  6. James 3:16-18 – What is the result of jealousy and selfish ambition? How does wisdom from above stand in contrast? Is there such a thing as unselfish ambition? How so?
  7. James 4:1-3 – What causes quarrels and fights among us? Why do we not have what we desire? Why are our prayers, our “asks”, unproductive? How do we turn that around?
  8. James 4:13-17 – What warning is James issuing regarding the future? Who, and who alone, knows and controls the future? So, what’s the value in looking ahead, in planning ahead? As believers, how should we approach the future?
  9. James 5:7-12 – How does James portray patience? Why is patience important? What does James say about truthfulness, about candor? Why does he do so?
  10. James 5:13-18 – What is the place of prayer and praise in the life of the believer? What is the relationship between sin and healing? Do you think James is only speaking of physical healing, or is there more? What “rain” are you praying for?
Week 36: 2 Timothy 1-4
  1. 2 Timothy 1:1-5 – Once again Paul addresses Timothy with a term of endearment. To whom does Timothy owe his early upbringing in the faith?
  2. 2 Timothy 1:6-14 – It would seem that Timothy was being a bit too reserved or timid in his fulfillment of his ministry calling. How does Paul encourage him to be more assertive? In what ways does this encouragement to Timothy encourage you?
  3. 2 Timothy 2:1-7 – How does Paul continue to encourage Timothy to rise to the challenge of ministry? How should Timothy apply Paul’s analogy of being a solider for Christ? How might you serve as a soldier for Christ?
  4. 2 Timothy 2:8-13 – How does it speak to you that Paul wrote this letter to Timothy while imprisoned? Why is Paul willing to “endure everything?” Is Paul referring to the elect who have already come to faith or the elect who are yet to come to faith?
  5. 2 Timothy 2: 14-19 – How is a worker to present himself or herself as one approved? What tips does Paul share that help us to do so? In what ways are you working as one approved? Are there ways through which you could improve?
  6. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 – What is the nature of Paul’s warning regarding what will come in the “last days?” How does Paul describe these threats? Do you see evidence of such things in our day? How so?
  7. 2 Timothy 3:10-13 – What is the picture that Paul paints of what is to come? How do we overcome that reality? Who should we look to as a model to guide our lives? Is Paul bragging about his conduct, or is he making a point? If so, what is that point?
  8. 2 Timothy 3:14-17 – Why is Scripture so valuable? In what ways is Scripture useful? What is the result of that usefulness?
  9. 2 Timothy 4:1-4 – What is the charge that Paul issues to Timothy? How does that charge summarize what Paul’s second letter to Timothy teaches? What are a few bottom-line statements or principles that you can identify from this letter?
  10. 2 Timothy 4:5 – How does this verse further clarify Paul’s message to Timothy in this letter? What does Paul want Timothy to remember? What do you think Paul means by challenging Timothy the Timid to do the work of an evangelist?
Week 35: 1 Timothy 1-6
  1. I Timothy 1:1-2 – What does Paul identify as the foundation for his apostleship? What are the implications of Paul referring to Timothy as his “true child in the faith?” Note that the language for “true child” that Paul uses is a legal or forensic term that was used in the court system for permanent adoption.
  2. 1 Timothy 1:3-7 – What are the various descriptions that Paul uses for false teaching? What sources of false teaching must we guard against in our day? How do we do that?
  3. 1 Timothy 2:1-7 – What does Paul reveal as the fruit or result of expansive prayer? Who does God desire to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth? Who is at the center of our unity and salvation? What does that unity imply in our day? How does this awareness inform us of Paul’s understanding of his calling?
  4. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 – How does v. 1 encourage aspiring to serve in the office of overseer (elder)? What are the qualifications for serving as an overseer? How are overseers to avoid disgrace?
  5. 1 Timothy 3:1-8 – What are the qualifications for serving as a deacon? What is your understanding of the distinction between serving as an elder and serving as a deacon?
  6. 1 Timothy 4:6-16 – What are the guidelines for Christian living that Paul identifies in this highly packed passage of Scripture?
  7. 1 Timothy 5:1-16 – What are the guidelines for gender and generational relationships that Paul identifies? What are his instructions regarding taking care of each other, especially those in our biological families?
  8. 1 Timothy 5:17-22 – What specific teachings does Paul give us in these verses regarding our treatment of elders and the “hasty” commissioning of elders?
  9. 1 Timothy 6:3-10 – According to Paul, what does false teaching produce? Further, what does Paul reveal about the proper outcome of godliness versus a sinful use of so-called godliness?
  10. 1 Timothy 6:11-16 – How does Paul teach us to fight the good fight? What disciplines must we employ? How might you “keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach?”
Week 34: Ephesians 4-6; Titus 1-3
  1. Ephesians 4:1-6 – Why does God place such high importance on his people maintaining “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?” What does the author mean by “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? What do we share in common that forms the foundation of such unity?
  2. Ephesians 4:7-16 – What leadership jobs or roles or responsibilities are identified in these verses? Why did the Lord gift his leaders in this variety of ways, i.e. what are leaders to do with these gifts? What’s the ultimate objective?
  3. Ephesians 5:22-33 – Verse 21 instructs us to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. How, then, in verses 22-33, are we instructed to submit to each other as husbands and wives? Who is our model?
  4. Ephesians 6:1-4 – How are children to relate to their parents? How are fathers (parents) to relate to their children? What’s the benefit of this two-way godly interaction?
  5. Ephesians 6:10-20 – Why should we put on the whole armor of God? Who is our spiritual opponent, our spiritual enemy? What are the various elements that comprise the armor of God? Which are you already “wearing?” Which do you need to begin “wearing?”
  6. Titus 1:5-9 – What are the qualifications for elders (overseers) in God’s church? How is each of these qualifications important?
  7. Titus 1:10-16 – What warning is being issued to the community of believers in these verses? What solution is being given? Who is “unfit for any good work” and why?
  8. Titus 2:1 (ref. 1:9) – What should be taught? What principle of multiplication is in view in Titus 1:9?
  9. Titus 2:1-8 – What instructions are given to older men? Older women? Young men? What is the result of being a model of good works and proper teaching?
  10. Titus 3:1-2, 10-11 – What are the implications in these words concerning the contentious culture and the social and political climate in which we live today?
Week 33: Philemon, Ephesians 1-3
  1. Philemon – Context: Philemon was a Christian brother and slaveowner. His slave Onesimus had run away. Onesimus met Paul in Rome and became a Christian. Paul wrote asking Philemon to receive Onesimus back, no longer as a slave but as a brother.
  2. Philemon – What does this letter reveal about redemption at a couple of levels? What does it teach about God’s redemption? Why, do you think, is this letter in the Bible?
  3. Ephesians 1:3-6 – What does Paul, the author of Ephesians, mean when he says that God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world? What does that say about God’s passion for us and his power to make us his children?
  4. Ephesians 1:7-14 (note the phrase, “In him,” in verses 7, 11, and 13) What are all the benefits that we have, “In him?”
  5. Ephesians 2:1-3 – Paul identified three influences that work against our having a life in Christ. What are they and how do they influence us negatively?
  6. Ephesians 2:4-7 – What has God’s love and mercy provided for us who come to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and our Lord? Did he provide this because of our works of goodness? If not, how/why did he provide this for us?
  7. Ephesians 2:8-10 – What is God’s gift to us? What has God prepared for us? What does Paul mean when he says that we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ? What should our path or walk in life include? Do you sense that you’re on that path? How so?
  8. Ephesians 3:1-6 – Paul writes often of the “mystery” that was hidden to the people of God for ages, hidden to other or previous generations. What is that mystery? Why is this important in growing the kingdom? What do these Jews and Gentiles have in common?
  9. Ephesians 3:7-10 – How does v. 7 connect with Ephesians 2:8-10? Why does Paul refer to himself as the least of all the saints? What reason does Paul give as to why God made him a minister? What is your calling? Why has God called you in this way?
  10. Ephesians 3:20-21 – What does it mean to you that God is able to do far more abundantly than all you ask or think? What have you asked of God? What do you think God has for you or desires to accomplish through you? Could he be planning abundantly more than what you’ve asked or thought?
Week 32: Colossians 1-4
  1. Colossians 1:15-16 – What do we learn about creation from these two verses? Who created all things? Why, or for whom, were they created? Were we created for him? What does that suggest about our commitments and responsibilities
  2. Colossians 1:17-20 – Who is the head of the church? How does Jesus, God the Son, reveal God the Father to us? How has he reconciled all things in making peace by his blood on his cross?
  3. Colossians 1:21-23 – What changed when we moved from being alienated to being reconciled? How did that happen? What’s at stake regarding our stability and steadfastness?
  4. Colossians 2:1 – What does Paul mean when he speaks of “how great a struggle he has” for believers in Colossae, Laodicea, and others who have “not seen him face to face?”
  5. Colossians 2:2-4 – What does Paul want for those to whom he is writing? What do you think he means by reaching “all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ?”
  6. Colossians 2:8-8-10 – What is the warning that Paul issues in these verses? How can we guard against these dangers? What are you doing to guard yourself in this regard? What does Paul mean by saying that in Jesus “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily?” Why is that important?
  7. Colossians 3:1-5 – What are we to seek? How do we do that? In what way is our life hidden with Christ in God? How is that of benefit to us? How is that of benefit to Christ? What must we put to death?
  8. Colossians 3:12-17 – What are some the ways, listed here, that we are to live? What attributes and actions should be characteristic of us?
  9. Colossians 3:23-24 – Ultimately, who are we working for in the faith? Does that work grant us salvation? What’s the biblical, truthful relationship between working heartily as for the Lord and receiving our inheritance, i.e. which precedes the other?
  10. Colossians 4:2-6 – What two forms of speaking does Paul identify in these verses? What does he say about 1. Prayer and 2. Speech? How might you put this into practice?
Week 31: Acts 27-28; Philippians 1-4
  1. Acts 27:9-12, 21-26, 33-34 – Paul’s initial voyage to Rome was fraught with problems and ended with a shipwreck. These three passages capture his words to his fellow voyagers. What do they have in common? How were they received by the others on board?
  2. Acts 27:39-44 – How and why did God bless this ill-fated voyage by allowing all voyagers to reach land safely? What was God showing Paul? What was God showing others? What is God showing you?
  3. Acts 28:10 – How did the people that were native to Malta respond to Paul and his fellow voyagers after he had survived a poisonous bite and had healed many on the island? How did God bless Paul? How did God bless the Malta natives? How did God bless them all? What does it say to you that God replaced their lost-at-sea provisions?
  4. Acts 28:28-31 – How did Paul complete his mission? How did God fulfill his mission through Paul? How do these few verses connect with Acts 9:13-16?
    – Historical Note: Paul was released for a time from his Roman imprisonment but was imprisoned again near A.D. 67 by Nero and executed.
  5. Philippians 1:18b-26 – Paul looked ahead to his future and cited two paths, life or death. What case did he make for each? What are your thoughts about your living and dying? What’s in store for you either way? (by request, v. 21 is on my father’s gravestone)
  6. Philippians 2:4-11 – Who’s interests should you prioritize? How do humility and exaltation work in God’s schema? Ultimately, who will confess that Jesus is Lord?
  7. Philippians 3:17-21 – Why should we imitate Paul? What will the ultimate end be for those whose “god is their belly?” What are their minds set on? What should their minds, and ours, be set on? How are you living out that righteous focus?
  8. Philippians 4:4-9 – This is one of most succinct passages in Scripture regarding how we should live as followers of Christ. What are the lessons taught in this passage? What are the benefits revealed in this passage? How does your life stack up to the mandates of this passage?
  9. Philippians 4:23 – What does this blessing (grace be with your spirit) mean to you?
Week 30: Acts 21-26
  1. Acts 21:1-4, 7-11 – With whom did Paul and his compatriots connect upon arriving at Tyre and Ptolemais? Consider this: How is it that there were Christian communities in these locations? How did that happen? What was the message that Paul received in both places?
  2. Acts 21:27-36 – It seems that the warnings that Paul had received about going to Jerusalem were on target. What did the Jews from Asia provoke? What did the people want to do with Paul? How was he “rescued” from the crowd? Whose plan is unfolding?
  3. Acts 22:1-2, 21-29 – Paul played his Hebrew card? What was the effect when people heard him speaking in Hebrew? What element of Paul’s defense sent the crowd into an uproar? Why would that be? Toward the end of this episode, Paul played his Roman card. What was the effect on the centurion and the tribune upon learning that Paul was a Roman citizen?
  4. Acts 23:6-11 – How did Paul shift the attack on himself to a dispute between the Sadducees and Pharisees? How did this work in Paul’s favor? How did Paul take advantage of the fact that he was a Pharisee in his B.C. (Before Christ) life? As this episode concluded, what was the Lord’s message for Paul?
  5. Acts 24-26 – In a change of pace from our usual study method, pull the lens back and consider all three of these chapters in Luke’s unfolding story about the Apostle Paul. What is the progression up the ladder of government officials in terms of Paul’s case and his witness before rulers and kings?
    – See Acts 9:15-16 – What did God confide in Ananias concerning Paul’s ministry future? How is that future being fulfilled in Paul’s journey? Who’s orchestrating these events?
  6. Acts 24:22-27 – Consider Paul’s encounter with Felix. What stands out to you concerning this two-plus-year intersection? Consider these interesting bits of information: Felix had a “rather accurate knowledge of the Way.” How so? Paul remained in custody, but it was a loose custody, essentially house arrest. Why? Felix’s wife, Drusilla, was Jewish. Interesting! Felix wants to hear Paul’s testimony. Interesting! Felix was alarmed at Paul’s words concerning a coming judgment. Interesting! He hoped that Paul would bribe him. Why? He spoke with Paul often. Why? At the end of this relationship, what opportunity does is appear that Felix missed? How does this final action mirror the action of Pontius Pilate? See Matthew 27:24-26.
Week 29: Mark 13-16
  1. Mark 13:3-13 – Is it possible to predict “the end of the age,” one of the phrases used to denote the end of time? What must happen first? How does this prerequisite or contingency interface with the Great Commission (Mt. 28:16-20)?
  2. Mark 13:32-37 – Again, is it possible to predict “the end of time?” Who knows when that will come to pass? What are we to do in the meantime? How can we do that?
  3. Mark 14:3-9 – What do we learn from the example of this woman who anointed Jesus with costly oil? Did she know something that her critics didn’t? If so, how? Even if she didn’t consciously know something that others didn’t, something led her to act differently. What was that? What does that teach us? Who must always come first?
  4. Mark 14:22-25 – Why do you think Jesus established an ongoing commemoration of his sacrifice of body and blood? How might Jesus’ pronouncement of his body and blood sacrifice connect with the woman’s sacrifice of her flask of ointment in Chapter 14?
  5. Mark 14:32-42 – What does Jesus want from his disciples? What does he get? What actions do we need to take in light of Jesus’ warning that the “flesh is weak?” What does Jesus want from us?
  6. Mark 15:1-4 – Why was Pilate amazed that Jesus remained silent as he was interrogated? In what way was Jesus on trial? In what way was Pilate on trial? In what way were the chief priests on trial?
  7. Mark 15:21-32 – What kept Jesus on the cross when he had the power to save himself? How is the temple being destroyed and rebuilt in three days? Was Jesus trying to prove anything to those taunting him in order to make them believe? Why or why not?
  8. Mark 15:33-41 – What convinced the centurion that Jesus was truly the Son of God? What does the mockery of someone who is being executed say about human nature? What did the cross and the death of Jesus Christ have to do with this human nature?
  9. Mark 16:1-8 – Sunday morning following crucifixion Friday marks the pivot point in all of history – history through time and eternity. WHY?!?!? The empty tomb means what?
  10. Mark 16:14-20 – Having left the tomb, Jesus, alive and well, met with his disciples to reveal the plan. What was that plan and what does it mean to us today?
Week 28: Mark 8-12
  1. Mark 8:11-21 – (This is a simple, but mind-bending question.) What do the Pharisees and the disciples have in common? What do we often have in common with them?
  2. Mark 8:27-30 – What is the critically important question that everyone who ever lives must answer? What is the correct answer? How does that reality fuel our faith?
  3. Mark 9:1-8 – What were Jesus, Moses, and Elijah talking about? (hint: see Luke 9:30-31) The impetuous Peter seems to jump the gun – again. To whom should he have been listening? To whom should we be listening? How do we do so?
  4. Mark 9:38-41 – Scripture calls for Christians to be in unity, and yet there are hundreds of varied expressions of the Christian faith? What does this episode in the life of Jesus with his disciples tell us about inclusive and tolerant relationships within the family of God?
  5. Mark 10:13-16 – What does Jesus mean in saying that someone can’t enter the kingdom of God unless he or she receives the kingdom like a child? What qualities are in view? Is there a difference between child-like and childish? How so?
  6. Mark 10:17-31 – Why does Jesus say that it’s difficult for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God? What is it about wealth that creates this difficulty? What else besides wealth might be a barrier to kingdom entrance? How are you affected?
  7. Mark 11:12-14; 20-25 – What should a fig tree produce? What should a disciple of Christ produce? It’s challenging to reproduce disciples of Christ, but what promises are embedded in this passage? What do these promises mean for us?
  8. Mark 11:15-19 – How does Jesus describe the true nature of the temple? How might the temple, or the Christian church, live out the calling and purpose of being a house of prayer for the nations? How does this resonate with the Great Commission (Mt. 28)?
  9. Mark 12:13-17 – Jesus’ turn of phrase regarding Caesar and God is both clever and confounding. What things are Caesar’s? What things are God’s? In what ways does this teaching guide us in terms of our obedience and faithfulness?
  10. Mark 12:28-34 – This passage contains what we know as the Great Commandment. How do these two commandments outline the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17? Note the connection to Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Leviticus 19:17-18.
Week 27: Mark 3-7
  1. Mark 3:13-21; 31-34 – What are the three reasons that are given for why Jesus appointed the twelve, whom he also named apostles? What do we learn about Jesus’ perspective regarding his biological family compared to his perspective regarding his spiritual family?
  2. Mark 3:22-30 – When accused of being possessed by the devil, what logic does Jesus use to refute this accusation? In what way does this text reveal what is meant by blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
  3. Mark 4:10-20 – What is Jesus’ purpose in teaching with parables? What does he teach in the Parable of the Sower? What challenge does the Parable of the Sower place on us?
  4. Mark 4:35-41 – How did the disciples interpret Jesus’ sleeping during this great storm? In what way was their fear a sign of weakness in their faith? What do we learn about Jesus in seeing the wind and sea obey him? How does your obedience compare?
  5. Mark 5:1-20 – What was the state of the man with an unclean spirit upon Jesus’ stepping out of the boat? What was his state as Jesus got back into the boat? What directive did Jesus give to this man before leaving? So, why did Jesus make this trip?
  6. Mark 5:21-34 – How are the actions of this afflicted woman evidence of her very strong faith? What does it mean that Jesus perceived that power had gone out of him? Did Jesus heal her without even knowing? What does that say about the power of Jesus?
  7. Mark 6:7-13 – What were Jesus’ apostles to take with them when they were sent out? What is the nature of the authority that he gave to them? What was Jesus’ purpose for doing so, do you think? What was central to their proclamation?
  8. Mark 6:39-52 – What happened when Jesus blessed and broke the bread and divided the fish? What, then, do we learn about Jesus? The disciples feared when they saw Jesus walking on water, not understanding about the loaves. What do we learn about them?
  9. Mark 7:14-23 – What is it that truly defiles a person? What defilement potentially comes out of the heart of a person? How do we guard against such defilement and behavior?
  10. Mark 7:24-30 – What was it about this Syrophoenician woman that so impressed Jesus that he answered her entreaty and healed her daughter? What role did humility play?
Week 26: Hebrews 11-13; Mark 1-2
  1. Hebrews 11:1-3 – How does the author define faith? What have you seen in your life of faith that has strengthened your faith, that has convinced you that your faith in Jesus Christ is well founded?
  2. Hebrews 11:13-16; 39-40 – What does the author mean that these people of faith had not received what was promised? Did God break his promise? How so? What has God provided that is “better for us?”
  3. Hebrews 12:1-2 – Who populates this great cloud of witnesses? To what do they bear witness? In what ways is their witness of benefit to us? Who might benefit from our witness?
  4. Hebrews 12:25-29 – What is it that cannot be shaken? What kingdom cannot be shaken? How does our understanding of what cannot be shaken drive us toward acceptable worship? What does the author mean in saying that God is a consuming fire?
  5. Hebrews 13:7-10 – What should the way of life of a faith leader be? What are the implications of the fact that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever? How does his immutability impact us? How do we benefit from this immutability?
  6. Hebrews 13:20-21 – What does this benediction seek in the way of God’s equipping? What is God’s purpose in so equipping us? In what ways does our doing God’s will please him?
  7. Mark 1:1-8 – What is the significance of the ministry of John the Baptist? In what way did he fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah? What’s the difference between John’s water baptism and Jesus’ Holy Spirit baptism?
  8. Mark 1:14-15 – List everything you can think of that’s packed into the meaning of “the time is fulfilled” and “the kingdom of God is at hand.”
  9. Mark 2:13-17 – In this account of the calling of Levi (Matthew) to be a disciple, what are we to glean from Jesus’ explanation, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners?” Is anyone righteous and in no need of Jesus?
  10. Mark 2:28 – In what ways is Jesus the Lord of Sabbath? Why does that matter?
Week 25: Hebrews 6-10
  1. Hebrews 6:1-3 – What does the author of Hebrews identify as the elementary doctrines of Christ? What do you think the author means by “maturity?” What is in view? How do we get there?
  2. Hebrews 6:13-12 – In what way did God guarantee the promise he made to Abraham? What two elements comprise the content of that promise? What does this promise, and its two elements, mean to us today?
  3. Hebrews 7:1-3 – In what way does Abraham’s encounter with Melchizedek speak to us in regard to the discipline of tithing? Does the application of the discipline of tithing speak to more than our finances? How so?
  4. Hebrews 7:26-28 – In what ways is Jesus as “such a high priest” different from every other high priest? Why is that significant? The first high priest was Aaron, the brother of Moses. Jesus, as the last, ultimate, and eternal high priest, is also the last, ultimate, and eternal sacrifice. How does Jesus as ultimate high priest connect with Jesus as ultimate sacrifice?
  5. Hebrews 8:6-7 – What is it about the new covenant that is so much better than the old?
  6. Hebrews 8:8-12 – In these verses the author quotes Jeremiah 31:31-34. What “days are coming?” Have those days that are coming arrived? How so? When those days that are coming have arrived, what will the disposition of sin be?
  7. Hebrews 9:11-14 – What changed with the coming of Jesus as high priest regarding access into the “holy places?” What did the blood of Christ secure for us? What does the purification of our conscience enable us to do?
  8. Hebrews 9:24-28 – What was accomplished by Christ’s first appearance? What will be accomplished when he appears again?
  9. Hebrews 10:26-31 – Why is it a “fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God?”
  10. Hebrews 10:32-39 – Why is endurance important? What is the nature of the endurance that the author of Hebrews has in view? What’s the connection between being “enlightened” and struggling with “sufferings?” In what ways might we be called to endure suffering in our day?
Week 24: Hebrews 1-5
  1. Hebrews 1:1-2 – How had God spoken in the past? How is God speaking now in these last days? What are the “last days?” How are both the beginning of all things and the ending of all things attributed to Jesus?
  2. Hebrews 1:3-4 – Who is Jesus? What did he do? What is he doing? In what ways is Jesus superior to the angels?
  3. Hebrews 2:1-4 – What’s at stake if we “neglect such a great salvation?” What might be lost if we do so? What would neglect of our salvation look like? How do we avoid that?
  4. Hebrews 2:17-18 – Why did Jesus need to be “made like his brothers in every respect?” How does Jesus serve as our High Priest? What does it mean that Jesus made “propitiation” for our sins? In what ways was Jesus tempted?
  5. Hebrews 3:1-6 – Why is Jesus worthy of more glory than Moses? What’s the difference between Moses’ faithfulness as a “servant” and Jesus’ faithfulness as a “son?”
  6. Hebrews 3:12-15 – What is the nature of the warning given in these verses? Why is that warning necessary – why are we at risk? What must we do to “hold our original confidence firm to the end?” How do you do that?
  7. Hebrews 4:11-13 – In what way is the word of God living and active? What does this word do for us? How does this word judge or evaluate us? What do you see in these few verses that brings you encouragement in your walk with the Lord?
  8. Hebrews 4:14-16 – How does Jesus stand apart from the rest of us who have been tempted and have sinned? How does that bring great benefit to us? How does Jesus as our High Priest provide mercy and grace for us in our time of need?
  9. Hebrews 5:1-6 – What do these verses tell us about an ordinary high priest? What do they tell us about Jesus as THE High Priest? What is “a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek? (see Hebrews 7:15-17; Psalm 110:1-7)
  10. Hebrews 5:7-10 – What was the nature of Jesus’ prayers in “the days of his flesh?” What was the value of Jesus’ suffering? Jesus, who was sinless, was “made perfect” by completing his suffering. As such, how was/is he the source of eternal salvation? Melchizedek, again – What’s up? Hint: Melchizedek was both a high priest and a king.
Week 23: Romans 12-16
  1. Romans 12:1 – What does Paul mean by presenting our bodies as a “living sacrifice?” In what way is this “spiritual worship?” In what ways are you presenting your body to God as a living sacrifice?
  2. Romans 12:2 – What’s wrong with being conformed to this world? How are our minds renewed for godly transformation? How does a renewed mind discern God’s will?
  3. Romans 13:1-7 – With so much corruption within civil and governmental authority, and so many non-biblical and even anti-biblical decisions being made by such authorities, how does the evangelical Christian reconcile submitting to these authorities? Is there a line that cannot be crossed despite this teaching? How so?
  4. Romans 13:11-14 – What does Paul mean by the night being “far gone” while “the day is at hand?” What enables us to “walk properly” all the time
  5. Romans 14:1-4 – How can two Christians have opposing views regarding a given practice and both be right? To whom are we ultimately accountable?
  6. Romans 14:10-13 – Why is it spiritually dangerous for us to pass judgment on each other? Again, to whom are we ultimately accountable? Still, in what ways might we be accountable to each other in a biblically healthy manner?
  7. Romans 15:1-7 – When one person of faith is weak while another is strong, who bears the greater burden for maintaining peace, love, and harmony? Who modeled that type of sacrificial behavior for us?
  8. Romans 15:13 – There is much to find discouraging in the world today as an evangelical Christian, but we are called to hope. What is the source of our hope? By what power can we be truly hopeful? How does our believing in the love, person, and work of Jesus give us hope? In what ways are you hopeful?
  9. Romans 16:17-18 – Paul warns against those who cause divisions and create obstacles, who serve their own appetites and deceive the hearts of the naïve. How do we protect ourselves against such people?
  10. Romans 16:19-20 – Note Paul’s balance between wisdom and innocence. How does that play out in our ongoing walk with the Lord?
Week 22: Romans 7-11
  1. Romans 7:4-6 – Again, Paul identifies a contrast – the contrast between bearing fruit for God and bearing fruit for death – the contrast between the new way of the Spirit and the old way of the written code. What does Paul mean? How do we stay on the side of fruit for God and serving in the new way of the Spirit?
  2. Romans 7:21-25 – In what ways is Paul’s struggle your struggle? How does the battle between serving the law of God or serving the flesh play out in your life?
  3. Romans 8:1-7 – The Good News of the Gospel assures us that those of us who are in Christ are free from condemnation. Free, yet the battle still rages, so how do we set our minds on the things of the spirit and not on the things of the flesh consistently?
  4. Romans 8:37-38 – How is it that we are more than conquerors? What does it mean to you practically that nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus?
  5. Romans 9:6-9 – What does Paul mean that not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel? What is Paul saying about what it means to be truly the children of God, to be truly children of the promise? What promise?
  6. Romans 9:19-24 – What is the danger of asking God to justify his sovereign plan to us? Who answers to whom? Must God answer to us, or must we answer to God? What does this difficult teaching show us regarding what it means to trust God unequivocally?
  7. Romans 10:13-15 – Paul presents the steps that enable people to “call on the name of the Lord” and be saved. What would you say is the most significant step? Why that step? Why is it that those who preach the good news have “beautiful feet?”
  8. Romans 10:18-21 – What is Paul saying about Israel, perhaps to Israel, as he drafts several Old Testament Scripture passages into his letter to the church at Rome?
  9. Romans 11:1-6 – What is the importance of a remnant, chosen by grace? What place does such a remnant have in the plan of God for the people of Israel?
  10. Romans 11:11-12 – In what way do these two verses present both highs and lows for the people of Israel? In what way do these two verses declare Good News for the Gentiles? What does Paul mean by “full inclusion” for some of the people of Israel?
Week 21: Romans 2-6
  1. Romans 2:1-3 – In these verses, and throughout this chapter, the Apostle Paul passes judgment on being judgmental. Why is it so easy to pass judgment on someone else? Why is it so easy to be blind, or at least understanding, of our own sins and failures?
  2. Romans 2:4-5 – Paul highlights the danger of being presumptuous regarding God’s kindness. How so? Where should God’s kindness lead us? What are the implications of God’s kindness leading us to repentance in our attitude toward the sins of others?
  3. Romans 3:9-18 – The banner in this section is that all are sinners, that all, Jews and Greeks, meaning everyone, “are under sin.” Verses 10-18 are quotes from several Old Testament passages that are extremely harsh. Why, do you suppose, is Paul being so harsh? What’s the point that he’s driving home? How are we to respond?
  4. Romans 3:21-26 – At last, Paul gives us some Good News. What do all people hold in common? What is available for all who believe? All who believe what? Why?
  5. Romans 4:1-8 – How is it that, though we’re not authentically righteous, we’re counted as righteous? What does this say about us? What does this say about God? Compare verses 7-8 with Psalm 32:1-2. How does this two-sided coin of blessing speak to you: one side – sin is not counted against you; the flip side – you are counted as righteous?
  6. Romans 4:13-15 – What is the promise to Abraham and his offspring? Who are his offspring? How do these verses confirm the promise?
  7. Romans 5:1-5 – Paul speaks of hope of the glory of God. According to Paul, how is hope produced? In what way(s) does hope NOT put us to shame?
  8. Romans 5:18-21 – These verses are lessons in contrast. What is: The contrast between the one trespass and the one act of righteousness? The contrast between one man’s disobedience and one man’s obedience? The contrast between the increase of sin and the increase of grace? The contrast between the reign of death and the reign of grace?
  9. Romans 6:1-4 – What is this “newness of life” in which we are to walk? How are we able, or more precisely, how are we enabled to do so?
  10. Romans 6:12-14 – How are we to make the godly choice to present ourselves to God in righteousness rather than presenting ourselves to sin in unrighteousness? (Rom. 12:1-2)
Week 20: 2 Corinthians 10-13; Romans 1
  1. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 – What war is Paul referring to? What are the weapons of divine power? How might we utilize those weapons in moving the message of Jesus forward?
  2. 2 Corinthians 10:14-16 – What does Paul see as his mission? For him to move on to other lands that are unreached by the Gospel, what must happen within the Corinthian church? How does this speak to growth and maturity in the faith?
  3. 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 – It appears that the Apostle Paul might have a sense of humor. What does he mean by divine jealousy? Why is he concerned that the Corinthians might not hold fast in their faith?
  4. 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 – How does Paul describe false prophets? What is characteristic of false prophets in our day? How can we recognize them and filter out their false messages in a day when we are deluged with communication every day?
  5. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 – Paul came to grips with his thorn in the flesh, reasoning that even the seemingly bad things in life come from God. How is it that God’s power can be made “perfect” in weakness? What might your weakness be? How does God use it?
  6. 2 Corinthians 12:20-21 – Paul seems very unsettled about his next trip to Corinth. What is at the core of his concern? How does repentance, or the lack of repentance, factor into his dire perspective on what he might find there? Is repentance an issue for you?
  7. 2 Corinthians 13:5 – Paul highlights the importance of self-examination. Do you practice some regular form of self-examination? How so? What metrics do you use? Are you seeing gains in your spiritual maturity, in your walk with the Lord?
  8. 2 Corinthians 13:11 – Paul lays out guidelines for how we should live with each other in Christian community. What are the components he includes? What is the benefit that we receive when we live with each other in this way?
  9. Romans 1:16-17 – What do you think it means to live by faith? Faith in what? How does living in faith play out in real life as actions taken and not just as a theological position?
  10. Romans 1:18-23 – God is the God of grace, mercy, love, and peace, but we also must acknowledge the very real wrath of God. What is it in the beliefs and actions of people that evokes the wrath of God? What’s the alternative?
Week 19: 2 Corinthians 5-9
  1. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5 – OK – So Paul is not really talking about tents, buildings, and houses here. What is he talking about and what is he trying to tell us? What encouragement surfaces for you as you consider what lies ahead in our heavenly dwelling?
  2. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 – In what ways have you become a new creation? What of your “old” has passed away; what “new” has come? What is the ministry of reconciliation?
  3. 2 Corinthians 6:1 – In what ways might someone receive the grace of God in vain? What are some of the ways we might proactively avoid falling into such a state?
  4. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 – How can we balance Paul’s teaching here regarding unequal yoking and separation from the ungodly with the prayer of Jesus in John 17 that (in the King James Version of the Bible) reveals Jesus saying that we are to be “in the world but not of the world?” In what ways can we walk the line between separation from today’s secular culture and yet be salt and light?
  5. 2 Corinthians 7:1 – Wow! Paul exhorts us to be all in with our commitment to God eliminating every defilement, bringing holiness to completion. What areas or dark corners of your life need work? What will you do about that? When? What’s at the heart of living “in the fear of God?”
  6. 2 Corinthians 7:10 – What is the difference between godly grief and worldly grief? Where does godly grief lead? Where does worldly grief lead? What examples of these two disparate kinds of grief have you observed or come to know about?
  7. 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 – What can we learn about generosity from this glowing testimony of the giving among the churches in Macedonia? What strikes you most about this?
  8. 2 Corinthians 8:8-10 – What is Paul teaching us in this word play between “rich” and “poor?”
  9. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 – It turns out that the adage, “you reap what you sow,” is biblical. Where does motivation for giving fit into this equation?
  10. 2 Corinthians 9:12-15 – The tangible gift for the Christians in Jerusalem generates thankfulness to them and to God. Why? What is God’s “inexpressible gift?”
Week 18: 2 Corinthians 1-4
  1. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 – In what ways have you seen or felt the comfort of God in your life or in the lives of those around you? What does the comfort of God mean to you?
  2. 2 Corinthians 1:8-10 – In these verses, Paul offers a reason for suffering in the lives of believers. What is that reason? In what ways does suffering teach us to rely on God?
  3. 2 Corinthians 1:17-22 – Paul’s “Yes/No” teaching is a bit tricky, but what do you think he means in saying that in Jesus “it is always Yes. For all the promises of God find their Yes in him?” What does this mean to you? Why is this important?
  4. 2 Corinthians 2:5-8 – The issue here appears to be that someone among their number has sinned in a way that has caused pain to the fellowship. As such, punishment of some sort has been rendered. Why, now, does Paul press for the fellowship to offer comfort and forgiveness to this offender? What is the biblical purpose of “punishment?” A word that captures the essence of biblical punishment is the word discipline. See Mt. 18:15-20
  5. 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 – Why do you suppose Paul uses the analogy of fragrance and aroma in regard to sharing our faith, in regard to spreading the message of Jesus? Consider the qualities or attributes of a fragrance, an aroma. How does this analogy fit?
  6. 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 – These believers were led to Christ through the ministry of Paul by the grace of the Holy Spirit. How is it that they are “letters of recommendation” attesting to the ministry of Paul and his traveling ministry companions?
  7. 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 – To whom does Paul give credit for any success that might be attributed to his ministry? Why does he do that? What’s at stake in this claim?
  8. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 – Paul seems a bit harsh in his comments about Moses, but what is he driving at when he says that where the Lord is there is freedom? What does he mean in saying that we can behold the glory of God with “unveiled” faces?
  9. 2 Corinthians 4:1-2 – Paul alludes to “underhanded and disgraceful” ways of handling the truth as he commits to making only open statements of the truth? What does he mean in making this accusation and in making this commitment?
  10. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – Paul pits the outer nature against the inner nature and the transient against the eternal. What is your takeaway from this teaching?
Week 17: 1 Corinthians 11-16
  1. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 – What do the broken bread and the cup symbolize in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper? What is the substance of the remembrance that Jesus has in view? How does partaking of the Lord’s Supper proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes?
  2. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 – What is Paul teaching us in his back-and-forth usage of “varieties” and the “same?” How is this variety of gifts, services, and activities to be used?
  3. 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27 – What is Paul’s point in instructing us that the “body” consists of many individual members but is simply one body?
  4. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 – What are the consequences of NOT having love? What are the characteristics of love? Of faith, hope, and love, why is love the greatest?
  5. 1 Corinthians 14:24-25 – In this context, prophesying could be defined as clearly articulating biblical truth in ways that are understandable. How would such prophesying result in the conviction of the unbeliever? What’s the connection between worship and evangelism?
  6. 1 Corinthians 14:26 – What is the purpose of coming together, i.e. meeting together for study and worship?
  7. 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 – What’s at stake for us in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
  8. 1 Corinthians 15:42-49 – What is the nature, or what is characteristic, of the resurrection body? How have we born the image of the man of dust (the original Adam)? How will we bear the image of the man of heaven (Jesus, the second Adam)?
  9. 1 Corinthians 15:53-58 – How is it that our labor in the work of the Lord is not in vain? How is it that we have victory over death? (See Isaiah 25:8 and Hosea 13:14.)
  10. 1 Corinthians 16:13 – How might strong men and women be watchful, standing firm in the faith? How can everything that we do be done in love?
Week 16: 1 Corinthians 6-10
  1. 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 – Paul seems quite animated in this admonition and exhortation. What is at the root of what he’s trying to communicate? What are we to learn from this passionate instruction? What does this say about how life should be lived among believers in the church?
  2. 1 Corinthians 6:12-14 – What does Paul mean when he says that all things are lawful for him? Why wouldn’t something that is “lawful” also be “helpful?” Should we be living our lives according to what is lawful or according to what is helpful? How so? Which is the higher standard, what is lawful or what is helpful?
  3. 1 Corinthians 7:17 – Paul has much to say about whether a person should marry or not marry, summarizing his bottom line with this verse. Regarding marriage, what is Paul getting at with the instruction to lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him or her, to which he or she was called by God? How does this speak to life issues other than marriage?
  4. 1 Corinthians 7:20-24 – Is Paul supporting slavery in these verses? What is at the heart of what he’s teaching here? What does this say about finding peace, rest, and contentment in the Lord regardless of our outward circumstances?
  5. 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 – In our cultural context, it’s highly unlikely that we would be presented with food that has been offered to idols. What might be presented that would be analogous to being presented with food offered to idols? How should we respond in ways that are both faithful to God and considerate of people who don’t know him the way that we do?
  6. 1 Corinthians 8:13 – Paul adopts the practice of disciplining himself from doing anything that would make his brother stumble, even though he might have the freedom or right to do so in the eyes of God. How might that perspective play out in your life?
  7. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 – What does Paul mean when he says that he has become all things to all people that by all means he might save some? Is there some way that you might “become” something other than your natural self in order to connect with someone and introduce that person to Jesus? How so?
  8. 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 – How is the discipline of following Christ like the discipline of an athlete? What might that look like in your life?
  9. 1 Corinthians 10:14 – Paul warns us to flee from idolatry. What are potential “idols” in your life?
  10. 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 – Why is Paul so concerned about giving offense to people? What is he trying to avoid? What is he trying to accomplish?
Week 15: 1 Corinthians 1-5
  1. 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 – Have you ever seen divisions in the church over people such as a favorite pastor or a highly influential leader? Have you ever contributed to such division yourself? What was the situation, and how was it resolved?
  2. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 – Why is it that so many in the world see the truth of Jesus Christ as foolishness while following their own course, perceiving themselves to be wise? Why is it that this upside-down view of reality is so prevalent? What can the church do about it?
  3. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 – What do these verses reveal about the nature of Paul’s ministry? What is he saying in comparing the so-called wisdom of men and the power of God?
  4. 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 – What does it mean to have the “mind of Christ?” How can we know the mind of Christ? What contributes to our knowing the mind of Christ?
  5. 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 – What does it mean that we are God’s fellow workers? Do we work with God on our own, or do we work as part of a team? What do you think that means as a description of the church?
  6. 1 Corinthians 3:16 – What does Paul mean that we are God’s temple, and that his Spirit lives in us? What does that enable us to do? What responsibility comes with it?
  7. 1 Corinthians 4:6-7 – What is at the root of Paul’s warning not to go beyond what is written? What does he mean by saying that everything you have is something you have received? What human tendency (tendencies) is Paul addressing?
  8. 1 Corinthians 4:15-17 – Is Paul being prideful in setting himself up as an example to be imitated? What’s at stake; what is he telling us about his commitment to Christ and what our commitment to Christ should be?
  9. 1 Corinthians 5:3-5 – What’s the connection between the destruction of the flesh and the salvation of the spirit? How does this kind of destruction actually build us up?
  10. 1 Corinthians 5:6-9 – What “boasting” is Paul referring to? What picture is he painting by saying that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? What’s in view? What’s the warning that he’s issuing? What does this have to do with righteous celebration?
Week 14: Matthew 25-28
  1. Matthew 25:1-5 – What do these verses reveal about the value of patience and preparedness in the unfolding of God’s plan and will? What separates the foolish and the wise in anticipating what God might be doing at any given time?
  2. Matthew 25:16-18 – What was the nature of service that the servants entrusted with five and two talents respectively rendered to God that earned God’s commendation, “Well done, good and faithful servant?” What of value has God entrusted to you? What are his expectations of you?
  3. Matthew 25:31-34 – Why were the sheep blessed by God the Father, and why did they receive a kingdom inheritance? In what ways do you reflect the empathy and generosity of the “sheep?”
  4. Matthew 26:10-13 – What act of honor did a woman perform for Jesus? How did her actions connect with Jesus’ impending burial? Why is she to be remembered?
  5. Matthew 26:36-46 – How many times did Jesus pray to God the Father for the “cup” he was about to drink to pass from him? What does this teach us about prayer and submission to the will of God?
  6. Matthew 26:47-49 – What sign did Judas use to identify Jesus? What are your thoughts about Judas using such an intimate sign to betray the one that he should have worshiped?
  7. Matthew 27:11-14 – Why do you think Jesus gave no response when chided by Pilate regarding his supposed identity and the false charges made against him? Why did he remain silent?
  8. Matthew 27:51 – What is symbolic about the tearing in two of the curtain in the temple? Who tore the curtain in two?
  9. Matthew 28:6-8 – How do you explain the simultaneous mixing of fear and great joy? Have you ever had an experience that seemed to be a mix of the two? How did that affect you? How did you handle it?
  10. Matthew 28:16-20 – What authority does Jesus possess? What did he do with that authority?
    How are we to respond to what Jesus instructed his disciples to do
Week 13: Matthew 20-24
  1. Matthew 20:6-7 – What does the portrayal of the master hiring workers even at the eleventh hour (5:00 pm with only one hour left in a twelve-hour work day) say about people coming into the kingdom late in life? What penalty might they pay for coming to faith so late?
  2. Matthew 20:20-22 – What was the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, misunderstanding about who Jesus was and what his kingdom was about? What did Jesus mean with his comment that she, and they, didn’t know what they were asking?
  3. Matthew 21:3 – What is the only righteous response to the statement, “The Lord needs them?” Do you have a sense that the Lord need something from you? We might reason that the Lord never really NEEDS anything for us, so what’s really going on when it seems that he’s asking something of us?
  4. Matthew 21:18-19 – What is the God-given purpose of a fig tree? What does Jesus do when the fig tree fails to be what it’s meant to be, fails to do what it’s meant to do? What are you meant to be and do? Hmmm?
  5. Matthew 22:21 – What point is Jesus driving home in his directive to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s? What “things” are Caesar’s What “things” are God’s?
  6. Matthew 22:40 – What is Jesus referring to in his identification of the Law and the Prophets? How do the Law and the Prophets resonate with what God’s Word reveals in the New Testament?
  7. Matthew 23:1-3 – What does it mean that the scribes and the Pharisees “sit on Moses’ seat?” Jesus makes a distinction between what they teach and what they do, or don’t do. What are the people to put into practice, what the scribes and Pharisees teach, or what they practice? Why?
  8. Matthew 23:37-39 – Why is “house” of Jerusalem left desolate? What does Jesus mean by this? When will the people say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?” Why will that celebration be short lived?
  9. Matthew 24:14 – In what parts of the world will the Gospel ultimately be proclaimed? When will the end come? What “end” is in view?
  10. Matthew 24:36-37, 44 – When will the return of Christ occur – what day and hour? What, then, are we to do?
Week 12: Matthew 15-19
  1. Matthew 15:1-3 – What is at the root of the tension between traditions of people and the commandments of God? What is so compelling about people’s traditions and repelling about God’s commandments? In what way are you caught in that tension?
  2. Matthew 15:10-11, 17-19 – What is the point that Jesus is making? What does he mean by defilement? What is the opposite of defilement? How do we avoid defilement?
  3. Matthew 16:1 – What is ironic about the Pharisees and Sadducees asking Jesus to show them a sign from heaven? What “signs from heaven” have you seen or experienced in your relationship with Jesus? How have these signs strengthened your faith?
  4. Matthew 16:16-18 – What, not who, is the rock upon which Jesus is building his church? How does the revelation that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, happen?
  5. Matthew 17:3, 10-13 – What were Jesus, Moses, and Elijah discussing? Hint: See Luke 9:30-31. What’s the relationship between Elijah and John the Baptist?
  6. Matthew 17:24-27 – Why doesn’t Jesus, or Peter for that matter, simply reach into the folds of his clothing for a coin to pay the temple tax? (OK – there’s no obvious biblical answer to this question, but think it through and see where it takes you.)
  7. Matthew 18:4 – What’s the connection between humility and greatness? Why is this lesson repeatedly taught in Scripture?
  8. Matthew 18:15-17 – What is the objective or goal of the accountability afforded by exercising the church discipline pictured in this passage? Why has the exercise of such discipline faded into obscurity in today’s evangelical church?
  9. Matthew 19:3-6 – What is God’s intent for a man and a woman who commit to each other in marriage? It seems that divorce is quite prevalent in the church. Why is that?
  10. Matthew 19:23-26 – What is the challenge that the wealthy face in regard to entering kingdom of heaven? What is Jesus revealing with this startling statement? How does the power of God affect this needle’s eye perspective?
Week 11: Matthew 10-14
  1. Matthew 10:5 – In this initial assignment, the disciples were sent with the same message delivered by Jesus and John the Baptist, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” What did that mean? What does that mean? Why did Jesus limit this message to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, excluding Gentiles and Samaritans?
  2. Matthew 10:34 – In what ways did Jesus bring a “sword,” explaining that he did not come to bring “peace?” Isn’t Jesus the Prince of Peace? How are we to understand this seeming contradiction?
  3. Matthew 11:2-6 – John the Baptist witnessed God’s confirmation that Jesus was his Son at Jesus’ baptism. Why is he asking later if Jesus is “the one who is to come?” What’s the basis of John’s inquiry? Why is there apparent confusion about the identity of Jesus in John’s eyes?
  4. Matthew 11:27-28 – What’s the connection between all things having been handed over to Jesus by God the Father and Jesus’ offer of rest?
  5. Matthew 12:6-7 – Jesus makes two startling claims in this interaction with the Pharisees. First, that something greater than the temple is here. Second, that he, the Son of Man, is lord of the Sabbath. What does Jesus mean in making these claims? What’s at stake for the Pharisees?
  6. Matthew 12:33 – How does the fruit of the tree reveal the tree to be either good or bad? What does our “fruit” reveal about who we really are?
  7. Matthew 13:1-9 – In the Parable of the Sower, what is the role, the responsibility, of the sower? What does this parable teach in terms of our role or responsibility to sow the seeds of the Gospel? How is our role as sowers defined in this parable?
  8. Matthew 13:44-46 – These two short parables tell the same story. What is that story? What are we to learn from these two parables? What actions, then, are we to take?
  9. Matthew 14:15-16 – What do you think the disciples felt when Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat?” What are some of the thoughts that likely passed through their minds? How would you have felt? What did they, what do we, learn from this?
  10. Matthew 14:25-26 – This might be a bit abstract, but has there ever been a time when you. were “terrified” of Jesus? In your relationship with Jesus, have you ever had cause to fear? How so? What was at the root of your fear? In what ways have you overcome that fear?
Week 10: Matthew 5-9

Matthew 5-7 contains the teachings of Jesus known as the Sermon on the Mount.

  1. Matthew 5:1-11 – The Beatitudes: Each of these verses deserves and even demands significant attention, but that’s beyond the scope of this study. Zero in on v. 6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” What does this mean to you? In what ways are you hungry and thirsty for righteousness? What will you do about that? When?
  2. Matthew 5:13-16 – What does it mean that we are the salt of the earth? What does it mean that we are the light of the world? How are you living into that opportunity, into that responsibility?
  3. Matthew 6:6 – What is the value of “secret prayer?” What does this secret prayer provide for you that’s different from what public prayer provides? Why is that important?
  4. Matthew 6:14-15 – What if you had to forgive others in order to be forgiven yourself? Oh…wait a minute…You do! How are you faring on that score? Does anything need to change?
  5. Matthew 6:25, 34 – Where are you on the anxiety scale? Are you mostly living in peace and contentment or does life get you tied up in knots? As children of God, followers of Christ, what is the source of our inner peace? How do we get there?
  6. Matthew 7:1-2 – Perhaps the flip side to forgiving others so that we can be forgiven is the exhortation not to judge others lest we be judged. Ironically, the person who “judges” others is the one who finds himself, herself, guilty. How might you become more forgiving, more accepting, less judging, of others in your life?
  7. Matthew 7:13-14 – Why can’t the narrow gate be easy, easy enough for just about anyone to get through with little to no effort? Consider this: should the objective of the Christian be to try to widen the narrow gate by making the path easy or to make the narrow path through the narrow gate more clear, more visible? How so?
  8. Matthew 8:18-22 – What on earth (or maybe what in heaven) is Jesus talking about here? What’s at stake in these cryptic remarks by Jesus?
  9. Matthew 8:23-27 – It seems that the disciples thought the storm was more powerful than Jesus, hence, Jesus’ accusation of little faith. What are you facing that seems to be a storm that you can’t survive? How will you find comfort in Jesus?
  10. Matthew 9:37 – There is no shortage in the harvest of people out there that could be reached with the Gospel. The problem is a labor shortage of those who will invest in working/serving in that harvest. What about you? Are you working in the harvest field? How so? Are you willing to work in the harvest field?
Week 9: Matthew 1-4
  1. Matthew 1:1, 20 – Jesus is identified as a son of David. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, was addressed by the angel of the Lord as a son of David. What’s going on here? Why is it important that both Jesus and Joseph were in the bloodline of King David?
  2. Matthew 1:6 – Sometimes the nuances in Scripture are easy to miss with a casual reading, but what does it say about the veracity and transparency of Scripture when this verse reveals that David was the father of Solomon by a woman who was the wife of another man? Do you know who gave birth to Solomon? That story begins with 2 Samuel 11 if you’re interested.
  3. Matthew 1:21-25 – The Hebrew name “Jesus” means “Yahweh saves.” The name “Immanuel” means “God with us.” What’s the significance of these names in terms of both God’s promise in these names and the theology behind these names?
  4. Matthew 2:3-4 – Why was Herod “troubled” by the news that reached him through the wise men from the east?
  5. Matthew 2:12, 16-18 – How did God thwart the treachery of Herod regarding the wise men? What was Herod’s response when he realized he had been “tricked” by the wise men?
  6. Matthew 3:1-5 – What was the message that John the Baptist preached in the wilderness of Judea? How did people respond? Does JB’s fashion sense or wilderness diet give you any ideas?
  7. Matthew 3:8 – What does John the Baptist have in view when he exhorts the “vipers” to bear fruit in keeping with repentance? What might that mean in your life?
  8. Matthew 3:15-17 – In these few verses, we see the humility of Jesus (Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness) and the supremacy of Jesus (This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased). How does the humility of the King of kings and Lord of lords speak to you?
  9. Matthew 4:1-11 – The temptation of the devil first appealed to physical need, then to a spectacular show of miraculous power, and then to greed, power, and ego. How does, or how might, the devil tempt you? How do you leverage the Word of God to ward off such temptation? Is there anything here you need to work on?
  10. Matthew 4:17 – Matthew 3:2 revealed that the message of John the Baptist was, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 4:17 reveals that Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This is the same message, but two distinctly different messengers. How are they the same? How are they different?
Week 8: 2 Thessalonians 1-3, Acts 18-20
  1. 2 Thessalonians 1:3 – What are the implications for Christian living in Paul’s reference to faith that is growing abundantly and love for one another that is increasing?
  2. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 – In what ways are these verses a commentary or even an indictment of much of we see taking place socially, culturally, educationally, and politically in the U.S. today?
  3. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – What “traditions” does Paul have in view in his encouragement to the believers in Thessalonica to stand firm?
  4. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 – The Apostle Paul says a great deal regarding the dangers of idleness and the value of not being idle, encouraging us to be “busy at work, not busybodies.” What lessons do you take from this teaching for yourself?
  5. Acts 18:5-6 – What prompted Paul to “go to the Gentiles” with his ministry of preaching and teaching?
  6. Acts 18:24-27 – What can we learn about discipling people in the whole truth of God’s word from the example of Priscilla and Aquila and their relationship with Apollos
  7. Acts 19:10 – In terms of spreading the message of Jesus Christ, what was the result of Paul’s two years of ministry in Ephesus?
  8. Acts 19:17-20 – What were some of the positive outcomes from the ministry of Paul in Ephesus in terms of transformations in the hearts, minds, and lives of the people?
  9. Acts 20:7-10 – What do these verses say about sermons that run too long (just kidding)? What do these verses say about who holds power over life and death? How does knowledge of that power, and who holds it, speak to you
  10. Acts 20:36-38 – In what ways does this scene illustrate the costs that some are called to pay in following Christ? In what ways has following Christ been costly to you?
Week 7: 1 Thessalonians 1-5
  1. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3, 8 – When Paul and company speak of “your word of faith and labor of love” and “so that we need not say anything,” to what are they referring? (Hint: consider the geography of Macedonia, Achaia, and “everywhere.”)
  2. 1 Thessalonians 1: 6-7 – What is the significance of the believers in Thessalonica first becoming “imitators” and then “examples?”
  3. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 – Paul and company shared both the Good News of the Gospel and their own selves, speaking of the affection they had for the people in Thessalonica. How does the balance of the truth of the Gospel and affectionate care work to grow the family of God?
  4. 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 – What obstacles and resistance to the faith did the people of faith in Thessalonica have to overcome? How does that speak to obstacles and resistance that we face in our day?
  5. 1 Thessalonians 3:4 – Why is it that it’s quite common, and therefore predictable, for followers of Christ to “suffer affliction?” How might we prepare for and combat such affliction?
  6. 1 Thessalonians 3:6-7 – What are the many ways that we might be comforted in the midst of distress and affliction resulting from our faith? How does any distress or affliction we might face here in the U.S. differ from that of believers in other parts of the world?
  7. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 – In what ways does how we live as followers of Christ influence “outsiders” to the faith?
  8. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 – How is the return of Christ at the consummation, the Second Coming, going to be different from the birth of Christ at the inauguration of his earthly life, the First Coming?
  9. 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 – What is the benefit to us of being “children of light, children of the day,” regarding the return of Christ? In what ways are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ at this very moment?
  10. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – What insights do these few verses give us in regard to the will of God in Christ?
Week 6: Galatians 4-6; Acts 15-17
  1. Galatians 4:4-7 – What is the significance of being adopted as God’s sons and daughters, and, thereby, becoming heirs? Of whom are we heirs? Of what are we heirs? Is our adoption reversible, i.e. can we be un-adopted by God?
  2. Galatians 5:1 – Christ has set us free, and Paul admonishes us to stand firm in that freedom and not submit again to the yoke of slavery. What kind of slavery is in view? What would it mean to be yoked to that kind of slavery?
  3. Galatians 5:16-17 – What/Who should guide our “walk?” What does this kind of “walk” keep us from gratifying? What difference does that make? Why is walking the way we should present a challenge to us?
  4. Galatians 6:1-2 – How should we treat those among us who transgress, who sin? What temptation does Paul have in view? How are we to help each other? Why is helping each other both good and necessary?
  5. Acts 15:10-11 – In what way were the Jewish Christian leaders in Jerusalem putting God to the test? What did Peter mean when he questioned those leaders about placing a yoke on Gentile believers that they themselves could not bear? What truly brings about salvation?
  6. Acts 15:36-41 – What was at the root of the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas? What happened as a result? Who was right? How did God use this disagreement to multiply the spreading of the gospel?
  7. Acts 16:9-10 – What did Paul see in his vision? What did he conclude that this vision meant? What action did Paul take as a result?
  8. Acts 16:14-15, 40 – Who was Lydia? How did she become acquainted with Paul? In what way did Lydia minister to Paul and his fellow travelers?
  9. Acts 17:11-12 – In what way were the Jews in Berea “more noble” than the Jews in
    Thessalonica? What is the value of examining the Scriptures? Would you say that the
    faith of the Berean believers was a blind faith or an informed faith? Why is that
    distinction important? In what way is your faith an informed faith?
  10. Acts 17:22-23 – Are being religious and believing in Jesus the same thing? Why would the Athenians worship an “unknown god?” Why do people tend to worship a god, or a god substitute, without knowing who/what that god is? How can we be certain that the God of the Bible is the living and true God?
Week 5: Acts 13-14; Galatians 1-3
  1. Acts 13:1-3 – What did the church at Antioch stand to lose by sending Barnabas and Saul away on a ministry trip? Why would they do that? What was the purpose of them spending time fasting and praying?
  2. Acts 13:47-49 – What does this episode tell us about the power of God’s message in penetrating the hearts and minds of people who might be distant from God? How should this awareness affect our efforts in sharing the message of Jesus Christ?
  3. Acts 14:1-4 – What is it about the message of Jesus that is so divisive? Why is it that people on opposite sides of the Believe-or-Not-Believe-in-Jesus Divide think that their side is theologically correct? How does our enemy, the devil, leverage this Divide for his purposes?
  4. Acts 14:15-16 – What are the dangers posed by “celebrity” preachers in our day? Why do so many in our day seem to be disciples of a celebrity minister rather than disciples of Jesus? Where should our faith, commitment, and loyalty be invested?
  5. Galatians 1:6-9 – According to the Apostle Paul, how many “gospels” are there? What has Paul found astonishing? Why would anyone quickly desert the faith and turn to a so-called “different” gospel? How can you be sure you’re committed to the one and only true gospel?
  6. Galatians 1:22-24 – What happened in Paul’s life that changed him from persecutor of the faith to preacher of the faith? What changes has Jesus made in your life?
  7. Galatians 2:7-9 – Though Paul and Cephas (Peter) both followed Christ, and both had been called into ministry to serve Christ, how were their ministries distinct from one another? What does the inclusion of Jews and Greeks in this case say about different types of people having access to the truth about Jesus Christ and finding salvation in him?
  8. Galatians 2:15-16 – What does it mean, biblically, to be justified? How does justification happen, or what is the root of justification – works or faith? What kinds of works are in view? What kind of faith?
  9. Galatians 3:7-9 – Who are the sons of Abraham? How does this fulfillment in Galatians 3 connect with Genesis 22:15-18 and Matthew 28:18-20?
  10. Galatians 3:28-29 – Paul states negatively that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, and male nor female. He states positively that all are one in Christ Jesus, and, as such, are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. So then, who are we and how did we become who we are?
Week 4: Acts 11-12; 2 Peter 1-3
  1. Acts 11:17-18 – For whom is the Good News of the Gospel intended? Who should be restricted from access to the Gospel or limited from receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord?
  2. Acts 11:19-21 – In what ways did persecution of the early Christians lead to the expansion of the Gospel and the building of the church of Jesus Christ?
  3. Acts 12:14-15 – Why did the people gathered at Mary’s house think that Rhoda was “out of her mind?” What does that say about their faith since they had been praying for Peter (v. 5)? Doesn’t prayer work? Why is it that we often pray for God to move but follow our prayer with doubt?
  4. Acts 12:23 – Where do pride and haughtiness lead? In what ways has an overblown self-assessment led to trouble for you?
  5. 2 Peter 1:5-8 – What does the effort to supplement our godly attributes look like in real life? In what ways can we be self-leading as we, by the grace of God, take responsibility for our own spiritual development? How will you keep or put those “ways” into practice?
  6. 2 Peter 1:19-21 – What is the “prophetic word?” Why is it so important to pay attention to the prophetic word?
  7. 2 Peter 2:1-2 – Have you ever been strongly influenced by a false prophet or teacher, or have you ever bought into what turned out to be a false doctrine? How did that affect you, and how did you come to the truth?
  8. 2 Peter 2:20 – What would cause someone who has escaped worldly ways through Christ to return to their worldly ways? What’s so attractive about the world? Why would we go back? In what way has this ever happened to you? How do you guard against returning to the world?
  9. 2 Peter 3:8-9 – What does Peter mean when he says that the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise but is patiently waiting for more people to come into the family of God? Who might you help find his or her way into the family of God?
  10. 2 Peter 3:14 – While we wait for God to fulfill all his ultimate promises, how are we to live? What must we do to ensure that we do so?
Week 3: 1 Peter 1-5
  1. 1 Peter 1:1-2 – What is the connection between Peter’s salutation and Acts 1:8/8:1?
  2. 1 Peter 1:3-5 – What is the ultimate benefit of being a true follower of Christ? How is God’s power protecting us for our eternal future?
  3. 1 Peter 1:13-16 – In what ways does obedience align with holiness?
  4. 1 Peter 1:22 – In what ways does obedience align with loving one another?
  5. 1 Peter 2:4-8 – What picture is Peter painting with his use of the phrases “living stone” and “living stones?” What’s the connection between this stone imagery and Matthew 16:18?
  6. 1 Peter 2:9-10 – According to the Apostle Peter, who are we?
  7. 1 Peter 3:1-2 – What’s at stake when wives don’t honor and respect their husbands?
  8. 1 Peter 3:7 – What’s at stake when husbands don’t honor and respect their wives?
  9. 1 Peter 4:1-2 – What must we set aside in order to live for the will of God? Why is that so difficult?
  10. 1 Peter 5:6-7 – In what ways is exalting ourselves different from when God exalts us? In what ways might being anxious be a form of self-exaltation?
Week 2: Acts 6-10
  1. Acts 6:3-4 – What do these verses suggest as the ministry priority of senior leaders within the body of Christ?
  2. Acts 6:3-4 – What example do these verses set regarding the practice of ministry delegation?
  3. Acts 6:7 – What is the apparent outcome when senior leaders within the body of Christ maintain their focus on the correct ministry priorities?
  4. Acts 7:44-48 – If the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, where does the Most High dwell, and how is the dwelling of the Most High tied to the coming of the Holy Spirit?
  5. Acts 7:54-56 – What does it mean that Jesus is “standing at the right hand of God?” What is the significance of God the Son being at the right hand of God the Father.
  6. Acts 8:1-4 – How might Acts 8:1 be seen as a fulfillment of Acts 1:8? How might persecution be understood as an evangelistic tool?
  7. Acts 8:32-34 – In what ways is this quote from Isaiah 53 a picture of the Good News of the Gospel?
  8. Acts 9:3-6 – How can you explain that the Apostle Paul discovered the truth about Jesus Christ as he was vigorously and violently seeking to destroy the truth about Jesus Christ and those who followed Christ?
  9. Acts 9:15-16 – What was the mission of the Apostle Paul? Who sent him on that mission?
  10. Acts 10:27-29 – What did Peter learn from his three-fold vision? Why is that significant?
Week 1: Acts 1-5
  1. Acts 1:4-5 – What is the promise for which the disciples were to wait, and what was/is its significance?
  2. Acts 1:8 – What’s the connection between receiving power and being effective witnesses to the truth about Jesus?
  3. Acts 1:15-16 – In what way did the Scripture have to be fulfilled concerning Judas, and why, do you think, was that the case?
  4. Acts 2:1-4 – How did the power of the Holy Spirit enable the disciples to be witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth
  5. Acts 2:42 – What was the importance of the devotion seen in the early church?
  6. Acts 2:47 – What is the relationship between the Lord adding to their number day by day and the devotion pictured in v. 2:42?
  7. Acts 3:19 – What is the outcome or result of repentance, and what is true repentance?
  8. Acts 4:11-12 – In what way is Jesus the “cornerstone?” What power rests in the name of Jesus and in his name alone?
  9. Acts 4:29-30 – What does speaking in boldness look like in American society and culture at the start of 2024?
  10. Acts 5:29 – When the will of God and the will of men are in an adversarial position, to whom must the true Christian give allegiance? Why?

2024 The Year of the New Testament

The New Testament course covered the Book of Acts and the Epistles, led by Dr. Reggie Kidd, a Greek and New Testament scholar and a gifted musician and worship leader. He’s also one of the contributors to the ESV Reformation Study Bible. As I recall, the course was offered during my second year of seminary study toward my Master of Divinity degree. Not that I thought too much ahead, but I probably expected that we would work through the Acts of the Apostles from first verse to last and then dive into the epistles one by one. Not so.

Dr. Kidd used the Book of Acts as a roadmap that stretched from the beginning of the semester to the end, and our study dropped into relevant people and places along the way. For example, Peter is the dominant biblical character in the early chapters of Acts, so we studied those early chapters and then dropped into 1 and 2 Peter.

Next, we hit Paul’s conversion and his missionary journeys, tracing the routes that Paul’s travels took him. When we came to a particular city or region, we’d pause in Paul’s journey to consider his writings to the faithful in that geographic area. So, when Paul came to Corinth in Acts Chapter 18, we dropped into 1 and 2 Corinthians, and so on. I loved the course and the schema of study designed by Dr. Kidd.

Post-graduation, as pastor of a revitalizing church in Phoenix, AZ, I wanted to get our congregation into the Bible. One method I chose was to have the congregation read through the New Testament in a year. Sure, we could start with Matthew and read through Revelation, but Dr. Kidd’s schema came to mind. I stretched it out over a year, added the four Gospels, one per quarter, factored in Revelation, and the New Testament Reading Commitment that I’ve now introduced to North Park Church was born.

A few reading features of note include Matthew’s account of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ that falls near Easter, John’s account of the birth of Jesus that falls in December, and the collection of John’s writings that cover the final ten weeks of the reading schedule with 1, 2, and 3 John, Revelation, and the Gospel of John. Have a wonderful 2024 as you read your way, and perhaps pray and reflect your way, through the New Testament with the New Testament Reading Commitment.

Rejoice & Enjoy! – Pastor Ken Priddy