Senior Pastor Search

North Park Church is seeking a new Senior Pastor who will shepherd the people of NPC.

Interested In This Position?

Please review the Church Overview to get to know us better and the Pastor Profile to find out what we’re looking for. Thank you for your interest in this position. See below how to apply.

Church Overview
Pastor Profile
Church Information Form

How To Apply

If you are interested in pursuing this Senior Pastor position, please send the following items to

In Christ,
The Pastoral Search Team

July Prayer Prompts

  • for a senior pastor who will encourage us to pursue truth that leads to godliness (Titus 1:1)
  • for a senior pastor who proclaims God’s word without apology
  • that the Search Team maintains an earnest prayer life as we seek to discern the man God is calling
  • Praise God that He will be faithful to complete the search process in His perfect timing.

Search Team

click the image for info on the Search Team member

Erin Bender

Deborah Holt

Natalie Karr

Kevin Sanders

Phil Van Sickel

Andy Stites

Aaron Sullivan