Kate Shriver

As a woman of faith, my grandmother survived polio, watched her firstborn die as an infant, and was widowed during the Great Depression, leaving her to raise her daughter, my mom, alone. Yet she trusted in God and was a faithful follower of Jesus. My parents taught me that you should put God first in your life. We went to church every Sunday, I read my Bible, and I attended youth group with many good friends. But I didn’t know how to live in faith like my grandmother had. It wasn’t until the birth of our first child that my faith became real to me. Our child came into the world with a fist-sized hole in her back, causing paralysis of her legs. God was with us that night as we gave Him control of the situation and rested in His arms. My perspective changed that day. Life can bring challenges, but the most important thing is to have faith in Jesus Christ.

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