Armor of God

Every Other Tuesday
6:00-7:00 a.m. | Room 106

Young Men

You’ll be the leaders of your families, your workplace, and this church as the baby boomers are called to glory. The elders’ role is to equip you to be ready for this task. To that end, Andy Kish and Phil Van Sickel are offering a class on the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) to train you to wear the full armor of God. This includes how to wield the Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word) to advance the kingdom of God right up to the gates of hell.

The WCF will be our curriculum. You’ll learn ten disciplines (Bible Reading, Prayer, Meditation, Fasting, Simplicity, etc.) so you can apply what you learn to your personal development. You’ll also be divided into smaller accountability teams of two to three to help you stay faithful to your walk with Christ.

This group meets every other Tuesday, from 6:00-7:00 a.m. in Room 106. The early time of day is to avoid interfering with your family/work life. It is early for some of you, but the class is only one day every 14. This is a great way to build new habits that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Coffee and light food will be provided so you leave the class ready for the day.

Phil has been working with others to put this class together, and they have additional ideas for things they can do. However, we want to leave that open so that you all can bring your own ideas as to what we do and what you want to achieve from this class. Phil will use a dialectic approach to teaching the class, so he welcomes all questions.

Feel free to join us at any time. We intend to finish the curriculum over two years. At the end, we plan to return to the beginning and start all over again.